The Role of Lawyer in Criminal Cases
The Role of Lawyer in Criminal Cases

The Role of Lawyer in Criminal Cases

The existence of a lawyer in a criminal cases is a common thing. Lawyers have a role to provide legal assistance. As for the role of attorneys in assisting in criminal cases, you can understand, here are some of the important roles of lawyers in accompanying criminal cases:

Criminal Cases

Providing Legal Advice to Clients

Lawyers have the role of providing legal advice to the clients they defend, both as victims and suspects. This legal advice is given by attorneys to their clients, in order to distance the clients who are given legal protection from conflicts that might occur.
The provision of legal advice is especially necessary because the client being accompanied does not understand the legal provisions of the criminal case that occurred. With the assistance of legal counsel, the client will be able to go through the stages of the legal process smoothly.

Providing Defense to Clients

When a criminal case has entered the stage of proceedings in a court or court institution, the attorney assumes the role of defending the interests of his client. In proceedings in this court, the lawyer will submit facts and considerations that are related to and related to the client he is defending. There is also the point of submitting this defense so that the judge can give the fairest possible decision on the criminal case that occurred. In a murder case, for example, the attorney accompanying the victim’s family certainly tries to ensure that the defendant gets the appropriate punishment according to the applicable regulations.

Preventing Fraud on Clients

The existence of legal counsel also plays a major role in preventing fraud from occurring on the clients they accompany. It is possible that due to the absence of legal counsel, a suspect may be sentenced to a prison term that is not commensurate with his actions.

Becoming a Negotiator as a Form of Legal Assistance

The attorney also plays the role of a negotiator. Lawyers will negotiate in terms of disputes arising in legal issues faced by their clients related to criminal law. In this way, the settlement of criminal cases that occur will not further complicate the situation.

Become a Mediator in Criminal Cases

Not only being a negotiator, attorneys can also act as mediators between their clients and opposing parties. With the existence of a figure who mediates in the conflict that occurs, then peace can occur between the 2 parties involved in the criminal case. Of course, the role of the attorney as a negotiator can occur, if the client has agreed beforehand.